Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Group Processing - The Movie 300

A good example of group processing is the movie 300. Group processing has five distinctive stages which are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. The movie 300 utilizes these five stages throughout the movie.
The first stage the movie uses is forming. Forming identifies the group’s purpose, structure and leadership. It is only complete when each member of the group recognizes they are part of the group. In the beginning of the movie, this occurs when the Persian leader arrives to Sparta to discuss with King Leonidas, the leader of the Sparta, how the Persian leader wants Sparta to submit to their rule. Leonidas disagrees and immediately throws the Persian leader into the well. By King Leonidas doing this, the Spartans automatically know this means war and they will have to fight together to keep Sparta independent. With that, the Spartans recognize they are in a group. This completes the first stage of group processing which is forming.
The second stage the movie emphasizes is storming. Storming encompasses intragroup conflict. It occurs when the group accepts the existence of the group but there is disagreement of who will be the leader of the group. When this stage is complete, the group will have clearly identified the leader. In the movie, this occurs when the Spartan council does not agree with King Leonidas to go into war with the Persians. With the trust of King Leonidas, the Spartans go ahead and follow the King Leonidas and go into war. With this being done, they are completing the process of storming by identifying that King Leonidas is their leader.
The third stage the movie recognizes is norming. Norming occurs when the group develops a strong relationship and identity. This process is complete when the group recognizes the equal expectations of what the appropriate behavior is for each member of the group. In the movie, this occurs when they are out in war and they have different groups of people offering help to the Spartans. Since the Spartans are well trained and confident, they rejected each offer. With confidence, they acknowledge they are the Spartans and they are ready to defeat. With this approach, the Spartans are showing that they have the same expectation that completes this process.
The fourth stage the movie uses is performing. Performing occurs when the group is completely functionally and accepted. The group has surpassed from recognizing each other and is at that point that they are peforming. This is identified in the movie when they defeat each group the Persians sent to fight the Spartans. At this point, they know what their plan is which is to keep defeating as the groups come in.
The final stage of this movie is adjourning. Adjourning prepares the group for discharge. The group’s main goal is no longer high performance. It is when a conclusion needs to be made. Each group member response varies during this time. Some may be happy with the accomplishments and some may feel upset over the group not being with each other any longer. Sometimes groups do not even reach stage five. It all depends on what type of group it is. In this particular movie, adjourning occurs when King Leonidas decides to send the one eye man back to the town to let them know what occurred during war. The reason King Leonidas went with this approach is because at this point he knew the 300 soldiers will not be able to defeat the Persians. He knew the Sparta did what they can and by him sending the one eye man back he can send word the war is not over even though the 300 soldiers that went to war died. The 300 Spartan soldiers accomplished their goal because they fought until they died to prove to the Persians they will not give up and who they truly are.

1 comment:

mgt 505 - nicole said...

I love this film and never thought of it as a good example of leadership and group cohesion-they were all so self motivated and disciplined it is amazing-they encouraged each other and fought for things we take for granted. Naturally we can't toss new hires into the woods for survival skills, but it sounds interesting...=D